Question: Did the dialogue movement offset Islamic fundamentalism's sectarian politics?
Answer: Maybe.
But did the dialogue movement improve the way priests and bishops ustadzes, and muftis’ view women?
No. They only have another moment of male bonding are now more convinced than ever that they are holier than their wives thought them to be. The Church at the helm. What does that mean? What does that mean in a social movement where feminist demands had been practically thrown overboard? Priests and bishops and ustadzes at the helm of course it had to assume a moral if not strongly religious tone. Behooves women to obedience and peaceableness. Real debate avoided and the patriarchal order unquestioned or at least unconfronted.
Not consciously or directly in collusion with state powers maybe, but nevertheless serves the conservative agenda. It obscures, confuses, misleads: now no one asks for a coherent critique of the politico-military establishment.
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