About this site

Tumbang Preso (meaning, knock down the jail) is a game of arrests and escapes where each player's life
chances depends on the toppling of a tin can watched by a tag who plays guard.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One night a dragging rain

Six o’ clock on a Friday germi messaging she’s at dunkin. She was all over herself with excitement the lady mayor punching a sheriff over a demolition and what about our i-can’t-write-fiction group we are forming. She made an announcement at fb and she got messages indicating interest, did I know, so not to object please. Then it rained. A slow dragging rain.

An hour of standing under the san pedro wing of rcbc and still I couldn’t get a ride. I got inside a net play station and checked my mails. When I got out an hour later the crowd waiting for jeepneys was thicker and the rain not any slower. Water has risen ankle-deep on the street. After another close to an hour of waiting I decided to get a ride at magallanes, pay for both ways, and so when I saw a jeep that had a puan ulas signboard I boarded it. It was on its way to r. castillo, way over the main thoroughfares. Passengers were disgorged one by one along the way until I alone and another passenger beside the driver at the front seat remained. With rain and flood bearing down on the old raggedly jeep I couldn’t help but feel like Noah’s black crow unwilling to go out to check on the world.

The jeepney got to an unloading station right by the shed and the driver turned to me. Asa man ka? I explained my case. He didn’t look unduly harangued. We’re not taking another trip back to the city! We’re parking here and are heading home! He didn’t register surprise or annoyance. Was even sympathetic. You can get a ride here, wait, we’ll find you a jeep you can take, he said.

I handed him my fare and went down the road foggy with rain.

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