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Tumbang Preso (meaning, knock down the jail) is a game of arrests and escapes where each player's life
chances depends on the toppling of a tin can watched by a tag who plays guard.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

a journal entry, february 13, 2003

He cannot read.

At least P can read. At least E can read. So they both know that I am both dangerous and in danger. He doesn’t.

But P and E don’t deal with me, he alone has the temerity to engage with me on everyday basis. So it’s him alone I can engage with in everyday terms. Praxis. With E and P no engagement is possible. No praxis.

But he oh my so ignorant beyond rescue. Only a little better than B the stupidest and the densest of the tribe. I should stop seeing them. A life gone the dogs.

I wrote Johnie. Douglas responded.

I said when you’re one who doesn’t separate your life from your study, it’s very hard to forgo the issue of your own class and sex.

It spoke to me, Douglas said.

Later, Johnie said: Oh. Your issues, which are emotional, sexual, and political.

Earlier, I wrote to Johnie something he could get: I’m back to Stupid Princess cut. He responded: So how did you look as Princess? Must be a pretty sight.

Oh The Impotent One.

A poem:

Where is the hangman’s
tie the pig.
Where is the hangman
he stole my cookies
Where is the hang
I don’t quite get the hang
Where is the hanger
things are strewn on the floor
My clothes
Yes they’re your clothes

How mad.
I must go to bed
Slip under the sheets
Under the bed
Some place
where one doesn't slip
Oh Sleep
Big Brother
of Death

Assignment: Locate the oppression of women in the heart of capitalist dynamic by pointing to the relationship between housework and the reproduction of labor.


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